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Jun 5, 20239 min read
Best Practices - Synthetic Turf
Synthetic turf fields can be played on essentially 24 hours a day, seven days a week, in conjunction with an appropriate field...

May 23, 202315 min read
Best practices for pesticide management
Pesticide use can be part of an overall IPM strategy that includes biological controls, cultural methods, pest monitoring, and other...

May 10, 202315 min read
Best Practices: Integrated Pest Management (IPM)
Turfgrasses used on sports fields are expected to provide dense, uniform, and safe playing surfaces all season long. However, when...

Apr 24, 20238 min read
Best Practices: Cultivation and surface management
Cultivation practices disturb the soil or thatch through the use of implements to relieve soil compaction, support thatch/organic matter...

Apr 4, 202315 min read
Best Practices: Irrigation
Annual precipitation amounts vary greatly. The timing and amount of precipitation will change year to year and deviations from the...

Mar 24, 202324 min read
Best Practices: Nutrient Management
Proper nutrient management in sports field management plays a key role in plant health and stress resistance, as well as overall...

Feb 10, 20236 min read
Mowing best practices
Mowing is the most basic and perhaps the most important cultural practice of managed natural grass systems that affects turfgrass quality...

Feb 10, 202315 min read
Turfgrass establishment best practices
Selection of turfgrass species and improved cultivars is one of the most important decisions a sports field manager can make to ensure a...

Feb 9, 202325 min read
Turf Management - Planning, Design, and Construction bests practices
Any new development requires careful consideration of the health of the ecosystem during planning, design, and construction. The...
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